In this thesis, I will first present a detailed analysis of the history of Hawai i, as it provides a background into the importance of Mauna Kea to the Native Hawaiians and why they are standing up to protect their revered Mauna. The dispute between proponents and opponents of the TMT represents a fundamental difference in philosophy between two disparate views on the TMT-science in general, and the role of history, culture and spirituality in determining the outcome of a difficult and sometimes contentious issue. For Native Hawaiians, the TMT threatens their sacred mountain and culture. The project, whose construction has been blocked by protesters, now has a new state authority overseeing its potential future on the mountain. For astronomers, the TMT is a necessary next step for science and the future of humanity itself. An artist’s impression of the Thirty Meter Telescope, which astronomers hope to build on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Mauna Kea is the spiritual center of the Native Hawaiian people, connecting them to their original creators, Papahānaumoku, the Earth Mother, and Wākea, the Sky Father. 6, 2022 at 8:47 PM PDT By Mahealani Richardson TMT told the state Health Department it. Paradoxically, Mauna Kea is also considered to be the most sacred place in all of Hawai i for Native Hawaiian people. No imminent construction for Thirty Meter Telescope planned after key permit is ended Updated: Jun. The TMT will have the most advanced technology of any telescope on Earth. Construction of the telescope began in 2014 but was halted the following year amid intensified opposition from residents concerned by damage to nature and. On April 12, 2013, the Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation was granted a Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) to build and operate the US $1.4 billion Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is considered to be the preeminent site in the world for ground-based astronomy. Since then there has been a total of 13 telescopes built on Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea first attracted astronomers in the 1960s. It is a dormant volcano and the highest mountain in the world measured from sea bottom. AbstractMauna Kea is located on the Big Island of Hawai i.